It seems almost ironic that there are reports that seed oils are increasing risk in colon cancer when the carnivores and proponents of red meat consumption were vilified for the same reason.

I swear you can find a study these days that says everything "increases" and "decreases" cancer/cardiovascular disease risk. Smh

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Oh, interesting, that might explain why I don't have lactose intolerance - I was drinking a lot of raw milk until 18. 200ml in the morning, 500ml in the evening.

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I'd love to see a deep dive in too raw milk.

most info online is that it's bad for you (just like red meat was for years).

I can't even try it, as raw milk illegal in my country.

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In some areas where raw milk is prohibited to be sold for human use, it can still be sold with the label reading "for consumption by animals/ pets" :)

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I'm not much surprised by the 1st point. One was because I actually already saw the video, and the other being that when I didn't drank milk for an extended period of time, I seemed to be more gut-sensitive to it when I started drinking it again.

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Hey Will, first, thanks for the news letter, always find it interesting. Thanks for posting this time psychological issues too. On a personal opinion, I liked the 5 points, not a struggle for me. Cheers!

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I definitely do NOTbegrudge you Joseph for narrowing to 3 points. You obviously have a very rich and busy life, and since each point is so poignant, three more than hits the spot. Thanks for continuing to write about seed oils, the danger of which I was slow to comprehend. I'm still not sure they're quite as damaging as sugar, but modern man's consumption of them has increased exponentially so they are definitely worth a look. Thanks for All of your work to educate and elevate humanity!!

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Agreed, I'd love to see more though. Like actual weekly posts even with just 2 points would be awesome

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I drank Taheebo or Pau d'Arco tea for a week. Had no issues with lactose after that. In theory that should mean I had a lot of candida in my gut that it got rid of, but no lab work to confirm or refute anything. Just saying there might be an easier way.

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Firstly : you can't call it "weekly" if it is not weekly. it's not even biweekly...

Now then.

1. Interesting. 10 or so years ago (at age 28~) I started to have lactose intolerance. But I liked drinking milk and did not want to stop. I just stared drinking fatty milk (as my grandmother told me) and no more lactose intolerance.

I have no Idea why I started having lactose intolerance, but my doctor hated me for curing it. saying thing like "why did it work, it's don't meant to work like this!"

Funny times..

2. I think It works like gambling. "Just one more roll and I going to win" or "it's I just rolled one more time, I'd make it BIG!". it's have less to do with failing to try, but the fantasy of "making it big, by doing this one thing". But who knows.

3. so in 30 years we will make seed oil illegal and then we will have thousands of documentaries of asking "how did we let it happen!!!!" .

government bureaucracy and mainstream media, moving in the speed of a rock.

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