Joseph, I just signed up to tell you I think you would find the Nostr protocol interesting. It's decentralized social media like how bitcoin is decentralized money. It also has bitcoin lightning payments integrated into the various clients that engage with the protocol. Primal is a great starting place for people new to Nostr. That last bullet point about Scotland got me a little worried but nostr helps with this! People in Brazil are using it since X is blocked. Anyway, big fan of your work, keep it up!

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Is resistance training superior to cardio for increasing glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity?

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I live in Scotland (you should visit!). The legislation is a funny one during Old Firm derbies.

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So, just from some light reading mind you, SSRIs function by inundating the hippocampus with serotonin and the neurological systems work mostly through a self-regulating homeostasis.

I wouldn't be surprised if, just like with diabetes and blood sugar, this also eventually leads to a resistance towards serotonin; and therefore depression.

In addition, the increase in serotonin levels also leads to increased neurogenesis, this could potentially cause a sort of mismatch between memories and emotions; triggering outbursts and erratic behaviour.


Being optimistic is awesome.

However, celebrating your victories a couple too many times in advance is likely to lead you down the road of pessimism.

Just, keep your head up and be realistic.


IIRC: same sort of regulations can be found in Germany, France, Canada, and some US states.

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