Sitting here learning about how blue light causes cancer while reading from a screwing to light but I can see my face.

There is no winning this fight.

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Get an eink screen. Those have no built-in sources of light and even come with some degree of colouring these days.

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I think the amount of blue light a cell phone can emit is paltry compared to the amount one is exposed to on a sunny day with blue skies. Perhaps the highest incidence of skin cancer can be linked to the regions with the most blue sky days? Arizona skies, for one, are brilliantly blue, and for greater than 95% of the year. Compared this to Washington, Chicago, or New York, where skies are far more often a dull grey than blue, or just plain cloudy, for most of the year. Is it a coincidence that skin cancer rates in arizona are the highest?

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Did this data look at racial breakdown? Skintone heavily influences the effect.

You'll also have to take dietary factors into consideration.

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Orrrr maybe blue skies means clearer sky, with UV rays not being absorbed by clouds, hitting your skin. And since vegetable oils--or just overall junk food--have been linked to higher rates of skin cancer so more sun exposure isn't that great. Just my 2 cents 🤷‍♂️

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Neverending 'entertaining' input, helicopter parents 'protecting' their bubble kids from sadness, no love for nurturing their descendants.

That's one hell of a concoction


I'll toast a steak to that!


Using sunscreen also stops the body from developing its own proper protection, doesn't it? So people who use sunscreen probably have more unprotected exposure than people who don't.


I'm going to try and use this on my employer and their 'work-efficient' cold blue light fixtures.


Who could've thought that people whose whole life is a quest for suffering and whose whole identity gravitate around their supposed sufferings also have a higher prevalence of mental illness among them.


Their average diet and other indulgences probably also help.

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