At this point, I'm convinced that the health organizations across America are more concerned with keeping diabetics and their circulation. They are about actually fixing diabetes.

In the large food industry that keeps you on your high glucose roller coasters lobby to help ensure you continue eating their product, even if it is determental to the health of all their customers.

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Well, outside you have actual variation in colours, distances, shades of light, textures, etc.

So even if your eyes get physically deformed, due to one reason or the other, the preprocessing neural nets behind the eyes could potentially adapt to retain the ability to discern distance and shape.

The experienced "lower prevalence of myopia" could therefore simply be a case of undiscovered cases of myopia.


In children, there is also an almost universal pattern of increasing myopia prevalence with years of schooling, and increased myopia with children with higher examination results


As if the worth of the educational systems weren't lacking enough already.


"They had adults aged 50 and older rank their loneliness and then they tracked who got strokes over 10-12 years"

Elderly being isolated are known to experience mental degradation due to a lack of both mental, and physical activity.

Even worse when they end up stuck in front of the hose of hate that is TV and the rest of old media.

Come to think of it, it's very much reminiscent of how the rat utopia developed.

Anyhow, they didn't check for hobbies, or the like, from what I can see. But it's note-worthy that those who had "vigorous physical activity" more than once a week had a high prevalence of "consistently low loneliness". Would've been interesting to see the incident rate for each of those groups.

Additionally, drinking seems to have no effect on loneliness.


Consistently high loneliness: 9.76% stroke incident rate

Recently succumbed to loneliness: 9.07%

Recently gotten out of loneliness: 8.48%

Consistently low loneliness: 6.31%


84.8% of the cohort were in the "consistently low loneliness" group.

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Love your substack.

Re eyes outside, assume without sunglasses right?

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This is like a joke by evolution or some mad God.

It's you doing well, you'll do better.

If your life sucks, it's will get only worst.

But jokes aside, This is just the old "If you want to be successful, copy successful people".

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"Smile until you feel happy"

"If life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

"When one door closes, another door opens"

"Love is just chemistry, man gives it meaning"

"Happiness is in the choices we make"

"The harshest road often leads to the greatest beauty"

Moving forward will always be about looking at your options and taking it one step at a time from there.

If darkness clouds your vision then of course you can't see your options and will therefore just keep on walking in circles.

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