Hey are you sponsored by the Beef Industry?

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The baby can just get bigger later

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Just adding my personal experience to point #1: Though I find fasting to be effective against sleep deprivation, given proper hydration and electrolyte balance, in daily life, I do not find it effective against jet lag. Personally, without fasting, I have exactly the same experience as you travelling West vs East (in my case across the Atlantic with 7hr difference). I'd have no issue with jet lag the days after arriving in North America. Just an easier time falling asleep and sleeping through the night. Coming back to Europe I would have a similar experience of waking up around 3am every night for a few days, and so would my partner and most friends and family making the same trips. I might experiement with fasting on my next trips to Europe to see if there's a way to conquer the 3am wake up

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I think Point #2 does not support your conclusion about beef tallow. It compares staeric acid to palmitic acid and concludes that staeric acid is better. Beef tallow has more palmitic acid than staeric acid. In the study they replace your palmitic acid with staeric acid, but eating beef tallow wont do that.

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