Flouride in water is kinda weird ngl.. Because if you eat a natural human diet you won't get cavities either way.. But if you eat carbage and sugar on sugar on sugar, ofc you will.. It's like putting statins into the water to protect from bad cholesterol people have because of the trash they eat, instead of just eating a proper human diet.

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Every single point was an absolute banger. When reading articles like this it's always important I remind myself I can't convince friends or family of the importance of these issues. But, I can lead by example, once they see what human thriving looks like they are much more open to it!

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I feel like fluoride in drinking water only helps in some studies against cavities because some significant portion of the population will always have awful self care.

Joseph, have you ever looked into hydroxyapetite toothpaste? Or xylitol for the oral microbiome?

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Curious about xylitol as well, I've been using it for a while and I like it, Rhonda Patrick said that it actually reversed a dental carry she had so I'm convinced.

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In regards to Alzheimers, have you seen Cristopher Exley's work on the subject? He has been researching aluminium for a long time, and looked at about 200 brain samples (all which contained aluminium - those with alzheimers and other mental issues had large amounts of aluminium in the brain).

He is very active on substack and has written Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom. Whatever the truth of the matter it is an interesting rabbit hole to dive into.

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Thanks for speaking about the scourge of LED Blue Light, and providing so many great articles on the topic. While it's presented as greatly preferable to traditional incandescent light, it is significantly more damaging to all living things. It is a highly alien light form which destroys circadian rhythms, acts as an obesogen and damages retinas. Excessive artificial light at night increases risk of preterm birth, autism, mood disorders, cardiometabolic dysfunction and cancer. All of these claims I have read in articles curated by the Soft Lights Foundation in Oregon (softlights.org), which is petitioning the FDA to bette regulate LED lights (especially poorly designed street lights and blinding headlights).

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