I keep seeing more benefits regard K2 as time goes on, which is neat as it's a supplement I am taking since a while ago. It's very/quite cheap like Creatine, so might as well.

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Thanks so much Joseph once again. 'Love the piece on protein. As the mantra goes, "protein is for structure, fat is for energy". Immobilization, such as in a hospital, is a real killer. Patients lose muscle mass at a rapid rate just from immobilization, and former ICU patients can end up with long lasting physical and and also Mental disability (called Post-Intensive Care Sydrome/ PICS). Vanderbilt's Dr. E.W. Ely has been a pioneer in preventing harm from ICU care, in particular ICU-aquired brain disease. He has campaigned for protocols to encourage movement in ICU patients (for instance, even intubated patients can walk through their hospital ward with enough assistance). Increasing protein in the tube feedings (TPN) may help lower the need for such labor-intensive movement protocols though! TPN is notoriously nutrient-deficient, and patients can develop beriberi and other deficiencies when depending on it. TPN uses poor quality oils as well, instead of omega-3 oil for example. Moral of the story: stay out of the hospital!

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