This poll about clubbing makes no sense. There isn't a no option.

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I’m boycotting your survey of what topic in the article I like best until you put it at the end as this only makes sense. I do like the autism study though and find it interesting that they didn’t use high dose thiamine. Derek Lonsdale used this therapy and even wrote a book on it with Chandler Marrs that I highly recommend. It’s been shown to work wonders before but it’s good to see that they are trying to address this situation. Wonder when they’ll start looking into poisoning our children with vaccines not to mention the chemical laden fake foods we give them before they can even speak.

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Autism reversal: quite stunning! The exponential rise in autism in the US is nothing short of catastrophic (now 1 in 36 and rising) so this gives hope. The targeted nutrients (B vitamins, D, tryptophan, carnitine etc.) are abundant in a meat-based diet which is probably why YouTuber NeuroDivaJewelz (if I have her name right) claims to have reversed her own mild autism and improved her son's symptoms with a mostly carnivore diet. The ketogenic diet by itself is also being studied for autism.

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"The exponential rise in autism in the US"

Don't forget the coincidental exponential rise in Linoleic Acid in the US diet. With its directly associated rise in inflammation, and alteration of cell membranes and that it competes with omega-3 for enzyme usage. Omega-3 being one of the supplements given.

So even if someone can't afford carnivore it may be enough to simply stop drinking lubricant.

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Thank you for bringing up such an excellent point. One reason why many people experience health improvements going from keto to carnivore is the complete elimination of seed oils (those seed oil engine lubricants are EVERYWHERE, including a most "keto" products). Another element of our food supply tracking perfectly with autism is Glyphosate. Glyphosate is ubiquitous in plant and grain-based foods, whether GMO or non-GMO. Dr. Stephanie Seneff has lectured on the possible connection between glyphosate and autism. The carnivore diet eliminates not only seed oils & glyphosate, but every other kind of pest/herbicide and also the plant toxins and antinutrients studied by Dr. George Diggs, Sally Norton and many others (Dr. Diggs' lectures are found on YT). Oxalates bind with minerals in the body, not only forming painful crystals but also prohibiting our bodies from accessing those minerals. Autistic individuals are particularly vulnerable to oxalate-induced iron-deficiency anemia. This kind of anemia can be refractory to iron supplementation, too, as long as oxalates are still coming into the body.

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Hadn't heard of glyphosate before, apparently they 'only' use it after harvest here. But it looks like it not only brings about autism but also direct breakdown of neurons, i.e. Alzheimer, and have severe effects on mitochondria. So, glyphosate sounds very much like seed oils on steroids.



Thanks for the up and up!

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The things that reversed autism mostly seem meat-related...

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