Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by Joseph Everett (WIL)

Eat more meat/fish - work out - stay in the sun - sleep in the dark

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Jul 22Liked by Joseph Everett (WIL)

Every newsletter contains impactful weighty 'gems' that Joseph has mined . . . .Thanks for highlighting cholesterol because the cholesterol propaganda is very very engrained and will take an enormous amount of effort to counter. Point #5 looks like something from The Onion or Babylon Bee: "Researchers make stunning revelation that the head is in fact connected to the rest of the body." Joseph your new video is PACKED with great content. The production values are so high that, for someone tending toward ADD like me, the added bells and whistles make me have to glance away from time to time just to try to focus & not be distracted from the point being made. Exception: the parts with the pull-ups; they're No problem at all!! (Pullups while talking calmly too . . . or is that lip synching to a voiceover-ha ha!)

P.S. I wonder if a metformin longevity benefit has really been proven in vertebrates, let alone humans. Might only be seen in worms and fruit flies?

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Thank you for the kind comment, Carol!

Indeed, you'd think that the health of the body being vital to mental health would be common knowledge by now.

Re: Metformin, this review may be interesting for you: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34421827/

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Interesting indeed! It seems the claim of longevity benefit is still controversial, and we don't know if it extends to Healthy people. The beneficial anti-hyperglycemic effect of Metformin may be offset by the relatively high rate of drug-induced nutrient deficiencies (of B12, B9 and coQ10). B vitamins power our mitochondria by serving as co-factors for mitochondrial enzymes, and coQ10 is an essential electron carrier in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Folate and B12 are also methyl donors, so they can lower Homocysteine, a marker of inflammation. The Metformin results are therefore inconclusive.

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Jul 22Liked by Joseph Everett (WIL)

I think the people with darker nights were probably sleeping at the proper time. Sleep fixes so many things.

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Why did I not get a YouTube alert for your new video? I’m subscribed and I love your content!

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