Personally, I wouldn't call derealization a mystical state. It has only ever been a response to high stress for me.

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Thanks Joseph for another expert curation!! On Point #2: From what I've read, sun avoidance is 'the new smoking'! Interesting that in the study you mentioned, UV radiation was protective even against a diet combining high fat and high sugar (a combination which activates the 'Randle cycle'.) Dr. Max Gulhane can be found lecturing on YouTube about the benefits of sun exposure for heart health!

Re Point #4: Chemist and physician Dr. Salisbury was a physician during the Civil War. I wonder if he was responding in part to the activism of Sylvester Graham, a self-taught, self-appointed health influencer who recommended very bland grain-based diets to quell human sexual urges (and overall vitality, it seems), as did J. H. Kellogg, who was inspired by Graham. Regarding Point #5: I wonder if there is ANY neurological condition that keto would not help! The keto diet is being widely studied in clinical trials and It's the only diet that can be objectively measured with lab values (ketone levels).

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Thanks! All good to know and interesting points throughout.

I take it "changes in perceived size" are situations like those where you suddenly feel like the same old sink is very far down, or the ceiling is very close?

On the other hand "perception of non-physical lights" just sounds like it could be eye floaters?

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Personally, I wouldn't call derealization a mystical state. It has only ever been a response to high stress for me.

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