Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Love the weekly updates, but I wanted to suggest something- can you keep the polls at the bottom as I forget about it when I am done with the article?

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I really appreciate that you’re willing to spread some truth about unpopular subjects like cannabis possibly causing problems or coffee/caffeine maybe not being that great for human health depending on how you look at it.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

The Online Harms Act also has a section declaring criticism of the acting government terrorism. Any negativity of the acting government could lead to criminal sanctions.

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Big fan of your work, Joseph! What a shame that truth is equated to being mean these days.

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While that law IS ridiculous, I don't appreciate your suggested views on people's gender identity.

Top priority should be that people feel comfortable living on this planet and living with their bodies. The least we can do for them is stop being so fussy about this.

It's not even like the west JUST invented being non-binary. There are communities and tribes out there that have been doing some form of it for hundreds of years.

Your criticism is reasonable but your undertone tells me all I need to know.

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78% of aggravated assault ARRESTS are men. It's plausible women commit aggravated assault and it doesn't get reported or lead to an arrest.

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1, 4.


Testosterone levels correlate with insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function.

Low testosterone levels are linked to a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

Testosterone may modulate insulin sensitivity through its effects on mitochondrial function.

" -GPT

Sounds like a deep dive into the connection between testosterone and mitochondria could be interesting? Unless it's already been done and the searches are just failing me.


And then you have https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/18/trans-womens-milk-as-good-as-breast-milk-says-nhs-trust/

As if their fervour for putting kids under the chopping block isn't bad enough on its own.


On the other hand, girls tend toward using more underhanded tactics like bullying, gossip, and incitement; especially inciting weak men to act irrationally which tend to induce violent acts against targets.


This explains a lot of what I've experienced after having gotten an IR-lamp for heating. Definitely endorsing red light therapy!

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How are you getting along with the testosterone workshop? Any updates on launch date?

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Nootropics depots tribulus seems to be very well regarded.

The standard one.


And the "better" one with extra ingredients.


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