Joseph, you absolutely have to read this about light - I bet you'll find it illuminating (pun intended):


Please cover this topic more, it's super interesting

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THANK YOU Joseph for continually pointing out the healing nature of natural sunlight. We need Constant reminders. While too much UV can do a degree of damage, the antidote to sun damage is built right in: The same rays that cause damage also enable vitamin D production, which of course enhances immune function to effectively combat cancer while simultaneously preventing immune cells from releasing too many inflammatory cytokines. EVERYONE must watch Dr. Max Gulhane's lecture "What your Cardiologist Doesn't Know about Sunlight" as it is MIND BLOWING. He discusses research showing that sun avoidance is worse than smoking, and sun-seeking behavior lowers ALL cause mortality (Including, from skin cancer!). Beyond UV-B for vitamin D, and UV-A for Nitric Oxide, and InfraRed for melatonin etc., Dr. G discusses how InfraRed potentiates the Exclusion Zone Water in our blood vessels. This EZ water protects our glycocalyx and vascular endothelia from damage while at the same time helping move blood along Independent Of the pumping action of the heart!! Sun is indeed nature's pharmacy.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

There's a great paper called "Nothing Boring About Boron". Boron inhibits 24-hydroxylase which catabolizes vitamin D. I want to see skin cancer/photoaging research with boron. We know that vitamin D increases the rate of DNA repair, which is a reason why sunblock that only blocks UVB (vit D producing) light and not UVA is more harm than good. I'd like to know if boron actually increases vitamin D in skin tissues. Maybe boron will be found to be better "sunblock" than anything else.

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I saw a YT video that may be at least moderately BS-y. The guy got sun outside everyday for weeks, then took Narcan, and went into withdrawal from it. Apparently, sunlight gets converted into something that attaches to opioid receptors.

I'm a sun junkie. I run every week in direct sun. It makes me very relaxed, and I sleep like a rock after. Anecdotally, I believe what I saw in the video. People in rehab should spend time in the sun.

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That Waldinger talk always makes me want to see what the relation between survival rate and social connections look like per age group. Should shed some light on if it's a direct biological effect or more indirect in the form of assistance for a decaying body.

There's also the inverse effect from bullying and elderly men committing suicide that probably have a decent impact on the statistics.

Women also tend to be more social and have less health crushing work, while also being more brutal in bullying those outside their social circles.

”You can easily get these wavelengths by getting direct exposure to the sun.”

Well, unless you reside in northern Europe during certain parts of the year.

Meanwhile Bill Gates et.al. wishes to blot out the sun because they miss the weather from their childhood.

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