Joseph, have you considered narrating these articles? Your voice and style of narration are an important part of what makes your videos so appealing. Does substack even allow for that? Looking forward to binge reading/listening to all your articles.

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I knew you were a shill for the big yarn-ah industry. But seriously, these are some great points. It's hard to talk about subjects like these and remain neutral. Nobody wants to be labeled a conspiracy nut. That being said, if you follow the money you will eventually find the truth.

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I really recommend readers to check out the following video as well

"How Kurzgesagt Coocks Propaganda For Billionaires"


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Great article. Thank you for taking the time to do this deep dive.

Out of curiosity, are you familiar with T. C. Campell's book "The Future of Nutrition"? In it he claims to prove once and for all that meat is toxic and explain why that knowledge, allegedly known for over a century, was scrubbed from the mainstream.

I found it quite interesting, particularly when doing a bit of a dive into some of the studies referenced in the book, and would love to hear your take on it.

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This was interesting. Very thorough investigation, and I must say kudos for presenting all this in a way where you're simply saying to look deeper at the conclusions when large sums of money are involved and not attack the other side. Personally, I love arguments that present the facts and also attempt to explain how the other side possibly reached their erroneous conclusions without just saying, "you're wrong; I'm right." You do this very well...particularly in your Meat video. Keep it up!

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